Community News

Clarence Valley’s Lois Robinson to host Pink Fit event

Over the years October has evolved as Pink Ribbon month the flagship month for women’s cancers. In particular breast cancer with more than 14,000 women across Australia affected. However, the good news is around 125,000 women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer in the last 20 years are alive today thanks to advances in treatment and early detection. Lois Robinson, a local Grafton resident and Weight Watchers coach has been supporting Pink Ribbon with her members for a number of years now and this year Weight Watchers Grafton & Maclean are having a “PINK FIT” event as their Pink Ribbon fundraiser. “Most of my members are females and some have been touched by cancer personally so it’s always great to get involved and give back,” said Lois. “This year I am up skilling to become a personal trainer and at Weight Watchers from October 9th to 19th we are offering 50% off our 3 month plans. We are also encouraging our members to be more active in October by joining an active community group, so I thought why not tie the two together and support a great cause,” said Lois. Lois is hoping the whole community (male and female) will join in the fun, have a bit of a laugh, maybe work up a sweat and feel better about themselves knowing they are being active and supporting women’s cancers. The ‘Pink Fit’ event is on Saturday 17th October at Memorial Park in Grafton from 8am-10am (registration opens 7:30am) and costs $10, with all proceeds going to the Cancer Council. “There will be boot camp sessions, pilates, box-hit, Zumba, walking and more, all guided by qualified trainers. You can try out a new activity or join any or all sessions as you please. Feel free to come suitably attired in your brightest pink fit gear and join in the fun for a great cause,” said Lois. If you can’t make the event donations can be dropped into Lois at The Ray White office in Grafton or simply go on line and support the event.