Community News

Chatsworth Island CWA

The next meeting for Chatsworth Island CWA will be held in the Chatsworth Island hall at 10am on Wednesday June 5.

Following the meeting ladies will enjoy a shared lunch at around 12 noon, followed by craft at approximately 1pm.

Craft this month will be macramé hangings, in readiness for this year’s Cent Auction. We have everything in readiness for this project.

All ladies are invited to join us for a cuppa and a chat.

Once again our members exhibited and were successful at the Maclean Show.

This year’s Cent Auction will be held in the Chatsworth Island hall on July 26. The theme this year is “black and gold”. Members have been working hard making prizes for this event.

Ladies are reminded to bring items for the grocery hamper.

There are a limited number of seats still available for this enjoyable day. Bookings are essential. Please contact Jan Out on 6646 4084.

Marion White