Community News
Bethany says she won’t talk drivel
Bethany McAlpine is the Christian Democratic Party candidate for Page and will be standing for election at the up-coming Federal election on July 2.
Bethany says she has “an optimistically cynical view to politics and a low tolerance for people who talk drivel”, so she won’t be doing it to you.
Bethany lives in Grafton where she has two separate jobs, but she also travels to Lismore each week to attend University.
Bethany has a passion to promote the ideals and objectives of the Christian Democratic Party.
Anyone interested will have the opportunity to hear Bethany speak at a function in the RSL River Room, River St. Maclean on Saturday June 11 at 10am.
Also addressing the same gathering will be the Christian Democratic Party NSW candidate for the Federal Senate, Nella Hall from Sydney.
A “pay at the door” entry donation of $10 includes morning tea refreshments.
Bookings, to help with catering, would be appreciated and can be made through Graham and Lynelle Robb on 6645 2689 or by email:-