Arts & Culture


Nomadic novelist, Jenn J McLeod

Behind the Book Cover Tour

Join Australia’s nomadic novelist, Jenn J McLeod when she visits the Clarence Valley for her BEHIND THE BOOK COVER TOUR. 

Jenn J McLeod has been producing her signature small-town stories since 2013 when House for all Seasons was awarded #5 top-selling debut novel. Since then, Jenn has been visiting regional libraries with her BEHIND THE BOOK COVER TOUR to share a few secrets about reading, writing and the publishing biz.

Jenn is visiting Grafton Library and Lawrence Hall (Mobile Library) for an in-person author visit on Tuesday, 14th July. Places are limited and Covid protocols will be respected so please book your free spot on the ‘What’s On’ page at or by contacting your library.

Grafton Library
Tuesday 14th July
11am – 12 midday

Lawrence Hall (Mobile Library)
Tuesday 14th July
2pm – 3pm

Since leaving the corporate world behind in 2003, the café owner / B&B operator / and nomadic novelist, Jenn J McLeod, is still ticking things off her bucket list. She’s done the sea change, written a bestseller, and downsized her life to fit into a purple and white caravan she calls Myrtle the Turtle.

“What Clarence Valley readers may be surprised to know is the setting for Dandelion House, which features in my Calingarry Crossing novels, was inspired by the majestic and mysterious Clarence waterway around Chatsworth Island. Not only that, Ulmarra Pub was my inspiration for the Calingarry Crossing Hotel.”

“Over the last six years, we’ve travelled the length and width of the country,” Jenn says. “We keep thinking we’ll find somewhere better than northern NSW to settle down. We haven’t!”

When not writing to deadline, the full time nomadic novelist (who is not so nomadic lately, thanks to COVID) is posting travel pics on Facebook and Instagram, and peddling her ‘Paddock To Print’ philosophy, which encourages readers to read home-grown stories and support local libraries and bookshops. Jenn is touring with an audio-visual presentation for those interested in reading fiction, or in the writing and publishing process. 

“Readers and writers have a fascination for what goes on behind the scenes of the book biz,” Jenn says. “My presentation answers lots of questions and I share a few surprise publishing secrets.”

Five times published with Simon & Schuster and the UK’s Head of Zeus—praised for her authentic and relatable characters and sense of the Australian landscape—Jenn’s novels are stories of friendship and family with a backdrop of contemporary country life.

For details, contact Grafton Library or go to Jenn’s website: