ABOVE: Jenny McConnell receiving the John Dugmore Trophy for Senior Club Person of the Year. Pic: Contributed.
Maclean ladies tennis starts February 11 with a new start time. Be on court ready to play by 8.30am.
The new competition will run for 18 weeks and prices will not go up this year. Teams will be available next week. All team members need to decide on an “animal” theme name for their team. All players please make sure your contact details are up to date including your email address.
There will be social tennis and grading this week on February 4. Come along for a hit and get the season started.
Our new committee Sue, Jenny, Sharon, Lynda, Wendy and Prue have lots of great new ideas for the competition this year. Stay tuned.
Anyone wishing to play please put your name on the list either as a player or reserve. We always welcome new players and reserves.
If you are able to fill in for the odd game, as long as you can play we don’t expect too much, its a great competition and you can play three times without joining up as a member.
Just call Sue 0408 353 503 or Sharon 0456 125 388 for further information.
See you courtside.
Sharon Travers