Community News
Anglican’s May Sunday Funday
The Anglican Parish of Maclean’s next Sunday Funday will be on this coming Sunday 1st May, and the theme for the month is ‘Do you want to get well’?
That’s a great question and I don’t think there would be many people who would say ‘no’ to that. The Reading is from John Chapter 5, verses 1 – 9 and tells how Jesus cured a man who had been crippled for over 30 years and urged him to pick up his mat and walk, which he did.
The Yamba Service will be at 8am at All Saints Anglican Church, cnr Yamba and Church Streets, Yamba and is followed by refreshments.
At Maclean the Service will be at St, James Anglican Church, 15 Wharf Street, Maclean at 10am, with morning tea.
Iluka’s Service will be at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Charles Street, Iluka at 3pm.
Our Sunday Fundays have proved very popular with young and old alike and it is a very relaxed way to worship our Lord Jesus Christ. Come along and enjoy.
Di Jones