Community News
Probus Club of Yamba
Our meeting last month was attended by 27 members and five visitors. After all the general business was concluded a new initiative was implemented where instead of asking for members to speak ad hoc from the floor with little or no response, we drew a members name and a tropic from a bag and they were asked to speak on that subject for up to 5 minutes. This initiative will continue with a different topic each month and we hope members will all participate.
Our guest speaker for the month was Ms Hajar Ismail who is from Clarence Valley Ability Inc. This organisation assists people with disabilities of all types with any problems they may be having which are many and varied from physical to mental to general health issues and deserves any support we can give.
Our guest speaker for May will be Mr Will Ettrick who has many talents and is proposing to talk of his trek on the Kokoda track in New Guinea.
Our ‘Scrabble’ group is still going strong. The members of the group are really enjoying the challenge of the game and also the social aspect of a morning out. We do welcome new players so just check with Probus for details.
The book exchange table has been a huge success with the books turning over and being replaced at every meeting, so if you’re looking either for a book to read or to clear some space on your bookshelf either take a book or bring the ones you’ve finished with into the exchange table.
We conducted a Trivia night on 13th April at the Bowling Club. There were approximately 45 players, both Probus members, guests and some who just saw the advertising and came along. By all accounts everyone had a good time.
The next meeting will be held at 10am at Yamba Bowling Club on Monday 2nd May where we welcome members, visitors and also anyone who is thinking of joining.
Jan Mathews