An insult to Yamba doctors
Re No Doctor (CVI 28/10/15) Mr Agnew, what exactly is your point?
Do you want the “three” doctors in Yamba to close their practices and move to “your” health centre?
The doctors in Yamba have had established practices for more than 20 years, some even 30 years, and actually own the land and premises of their surgeries (e.g. they pay rates etc).
To say altruistic medicine is gone in Yamba is an insult to the three hardworking doctors in Yamba. These doctors were V.M.O.s (visiting medical officers) at Maclean Hospital for many years until logistics made it impossible to continue. We now have a doctor at Maclean hospital at all times.
As Yamba grows it is obvious we need another practice which I understand from your letter to the editor you have already facilitated on Yamba Road. (But not “your” health centre).
For your information I am the practice manager at a surgery in Yamba which does bulk bill, owned by a doctor who cares for his patients and will visit them at any time of the day or night. Who often works through his lunch hour and until knock off time, usually after 6.30pm, when he will visit his patients at Caroona, and leave his meal if someone needs him.
Your letter is an insult to the three doctors who have given years of service to this town, well before “your” health centre was an idea.
Jeannette James,