Community News

A morning with Cher Breeze 2022 JADA entrant

The Jacaranda Acquisitive Drawing Award (JADA) is Grafton Regional Gallery’s flagship art prize and the Friends of Grafton Gallery support this award financially through membership and fundraising functions.

You are invited to a morning at the Gallery on Wednesday 21 September from 10am to meet Cher Breeze and hear about her work. Cher was awarded the 2021 Grafton Regional Gallery Yulgilbar Fellowship and is a finalist in the 2022 JADA.
Cher Breeze is an artist with qualifications in visual arts & design, museum practices and adult education. Her visual arts practice is multi-disciplinary, exploring drawing, photography, painting, printmaking and sculpture.
She has extensive experience working in curatorial, public programs and management roles in remote Indigenous communities including managing Jilamara Arts & Crafts, Melville Island. Cher has delivered creative arts and professional practice workshops in regional and remote art centres including Warmun arts, Waringarri arts and Kira Kiro Arts in the Kimberley. She also runs her own business CBreeze Framing Art Space.
Refreshments will be available from Rubony’s café and the Artist’s presentation which is free commences at 10.30am. Bookings through Eventbrite are essential.

The Reverend Canon Camellia Flanagan