Community News
Yamba Yabbies Toastmasters Club
Yamba Yabbies meeting on June 20 with Toastmaster Jan C chose ‘My favourite book’ as the theme for the meeting. It’s amazing how many members are avid readers and know so much about authors. All roles were explained by Ilma as Timer, Caz as Meeting Listener, Annie as General Evaluator and Deyann as Grammarian who gave “Cite” as word of the night.
It was a delight to listen to Michael give his first speech, ‘The Ice Breaker’ titled ‘Who Am I?’ We heard about his very hard early life emmigrating from Frankfurt, Germany and following his dad’s death as a 10 year old, found it extremely difficult. Time restraints saw Michael with more to tell us, so we look forward to hearing more of his life in the future. Next speaker was Pam with her speech titled ‘Father Chris Riley’ which was such an inspirational speech about such a wonderful man. Caz then gave us her speech titled ‘The Folk Tale’ telling us about the folklore of the Clarence River. These speakers were evaluated by Joy, Deyann and Jan B.
Jan C conducted a talk about ‘My favourite book’ which was ‘Miss Read’, Noel spoke on ‘Jane Eyre’ and Jan B on ‘Walking Free’. Prior to evaluations a round robin was held and this entailed fairies etc in a secret garden. Noel gave all speakers, Annie, Deyann, Ilma, Brendon, Joy and Jan B, a challenging table topics question, but all endeavoured to overcome the challenge. Brendon did so well as the Evaluator of these mini speeches.
Meetings are held 1st and 3rd Monday of month at Yamba Bowling Club commencing 7pm sharp. Visitors always welcome so check out the Facebook page. If any group or business house is interested in a ‘Speech Craft Course’ for staff, this can be organised by contacting Jan 6645 1266.
Next meeting will be held July 4, with theme American Independence Day.
Joy Lauder