ABOVE: YWBC Executive 2015-16 (back l-r) Ronica martin (Secretary); Cathryn Aitchison (Treasurer). (front l-r) Denise Burey (Vice President); Robyn McPherson (President); Judy Sinclair (Vice President). Pic: Contributed.
At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Yamba Women’s Bowling Club, the new leadership of the club was elected.
President Robyn McPherson was returned unopposed, as was Secretary Ronica Martin, and Treasurer Cathryn Aitchison. Retiring Vice Presidents, Val Terry and Monica Conlan were thanked and congratulated on the wonderful job each had done, and new Vice Presidents Denise Burey and Judy Sinclair were elected. Sonia Graham heads up the Selection Committee, which also comprises Peg Wales, Beryl Nielsen and Gwen Hoskin. Helen Scott continues as Chair of the Match Committee and again has Lyn Olsson and Margaret Abbott on board. The very capable (and sociable) Judy Pryor is again the Social Chairperson and has Pam Conley, Jill Miller to assist.
The club is honoured to have as Patrons: Beryl Nielsen, Bernice Madden and Lyn Olsson; and as Life Members Shirley Drum, Betty Scott and Gloria Haines. These six ladies are wonderful and much valued supporters of everything related to YWBC.
Wendy Ballantyne was appointed Publicity Officer replacing Margaret Wall who has done a great job over recent times, and did not seek the position this year. Wendy Ballantyne