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Yamba women bowlers concentrating on District Championships
Glenda Davis might be a new advocate for the role of ‘swinging lead’ in women’s bowls. On Thursday 14 she struck pay dirt when she collected both the lucky winners and consolation prizes when playing in this position. As a winner, she teamed up with Jill Miller and Monica Conlan to narrowly defeat Glenda, Bev Shatte and Lorraine Ashbury, 16-13, who were drawn as the consolation winners. Way to go, Glenda!
There were reduced numbers on that day for a very pleasing reason. A large contingent travelled to Maclean for a great day of friendship across the district and to support our pennant teams at the Pennant Presentation day.
But a brief pause in District bowls was welcomed at Yamba on Tuesday April 12 with a good turnout for social bowls. With Pennants over and District Championships starting this week, it has been fairly hectic of late.
Kaye Mason once again figured in the game of the day, when she teamed up with Dani Turnbull and Maria Sakac to edge out Glenda Davis, Pam Conley and Chris Cole 18-15. In fact Kaye and her team had maintained the lead throughout, but their opponents kept it close and came home with a wet sail to almost snatch the win.
Overall, results across the rinks were very even, with only one rink being decided by more than 5 shots. Just 3 separated the lucky rink winners, Bev Shatte and Barb Briers from their opponents Sandra Dorman and Gloria Davis with a 22-19 win.
The lucky runners up prize went to Jill Miller, Gabby Freeman and Joan Scadden, who had a 5 shot victory over Raels McKibbin, Carol Casement and Val Terry. And consolation winners, Helen Atkinson, Jane Pearson and Dot Gleeson went down by just 4 to Helen Scott, Gwen Hoskin and Wendy Ballantyne.
The Queen and Princess of the Green competitions have been delayed somewhat with so many district events on of late. The challenge for the Queen between crown holder Denise Burey and challenger, Wendy Ballantyne may be delayed yet a while, however the Princess challenge may be able to be resumed soon. In it Judy Sinclair will line up next against current Princess, Sandy Owen.
Some high quality bowls should be on show this and next week on our greens, with the staging of the District Pairs Championship, and thanks to the number of fantastic greens and wonderful green-keepers we have, there will be social bowls as usual throughout the days of the championship.
Members are reminded that nominations are now open for the Major/Minor pairs and the sheet is on the noticeboard.
Wendy Ballantyne