Community News

Yamba Seniors

The 29th annual Birthday luncheon following the Meeting was well attended despite numbers being down on previous years. Compared to ours number of members, it was a good turn out and the lunch enjoyed thank you went to the caterers and staff. All present received a luckily door prize and the president thanked those who donated gifts and prizes for the raffle. Patsy C. taking out the no 1. Hope there was no sore heads from all the bottles of wine won. Our next Birthday will be our 30th, so we will have 12 months to plan for the special day, thinking caps on please for ideas and a theme. Maclean have been invited to join us for a social morning Wednesday August 12 at the cost of $12 for lunch. If Maclean cannot attend, the 12th will remain our usual monthly social as the Auditorium has been booked on the 5th for another function. Life member Norm was congratulated on becoming Lions new president, our president reported having had a great night at the change over dinner. In the absence of both treasurer and secretary the president thanked Claire and Nora for filling in, also thanking the members who came in early to help set up and cope with the other jobs needing attention. Janette was thanked for her usual crafty contributions on the day and Noel for his input. July meeting will be the AGM from 9-30am start followed by a short coffee break then the monthly to follow. Get well wishes to life member Jim, Beverley and Annetta. Janette Bailie