Community News
Yamba Seniors
Remember, the next meeting is the last Friday of the month on April 29 at Yamba Bowling Club at 9.15am for 9.30 start. All over 50 years can come along and join us, you will be most welcome and the cost is $5 a year.
Guest speaker will be Michael Brookes to tell us how to get ready for winter.
Remember we will be having our 30 year birthday this year.
Dates to remember
Wednesday 4th May – Hoi and carpet bowls all welcome.
Friday 6th May – Hospital Auxiliary Mother Day morning tea at Maclean.
Sunday 8th May – Mother Day, a few of us are going over seas to Iluka by ferry, time 10.45am for lunch, own expenses, just put your name down so I can tell them numbers for bus to pick us up and take us to Golf Club and return.
Saturday 21st May – Dean Doyle night Show cost $27.50 for show and dinner, tickets at Club on sale now.
Only two seats left for Twin Towns Wednesday 8th June, if interested let me know as we are buying tickets at the end of April. Phone Janette 6646 8262.
Janette Baillie