Community News
Grafton Senior Citizens
We recently held our April bus trip, to Murwillumbah area, on a warm autumn day, with 33 passengers.
The day began with a drive on Summerland Way, through Casino, to Kyogle, where a picnic morning tea was enjoyed, then on through Uki to Murwillumbah.
The group visited Tweed Art Gallery, a modern building built on land donated by Doug & Margot Anthony. It comes with spectacular views, & features Margaret Olley Art Centre, a re-creation of her studios, including furniture & items from her studio. Margaret had lived in the area in her early life.
The group then had free time to browse shops & purchase lunch, before the final journey home.
Sincere thanks to our Coach Captain, Dave, for a great day, all passengers for their support, committee & all involved in arranging trip, & serving morning tea.
Next trip, a day to Outback Spectacular on Gold Coast, is fully booked, but reserves will be noted.
A 7 day extended tour to Port Stephens area, from 19 August 2016 is also currently fully booked, but reserves will be noted.
The annual soup & games day, cost $10, will be held on Monday, 18 April.
The annual pie & pea day, with special games, quiz, & fun activities, cost $10, on Monday, 6 June, is just about to go on sale, so hope for good support.
Bookings at Seniors rooms any Thursday, or at monthly meeting on second Tuesday of month. If you can’t make meeting, ring & discuss options.
Full details of year’s trips & special functions, with dates, are on seniors rooms notice board, or available from Tour Organisor, Sandra, phone 6642 7720.
Members are reminded if unable to attend trip, early notification to one of numbers on brochure, will give time for a replacement to be considered. Also refunds generally only possible if 7 days notice given.
Membership fees, still $5, are now due.
Sandra Connelly