Community News
Yamba Red Cross
Thank you to the community members and visitors who supported our Garage Sale on September 26th and our High Tea on Friday October 9th. Your interest and generosity is greatly appreciated. Thanks must go also to our Red Cross members and friends who devote their time and energy to make these functions so successful.
The weather was most unkind early in the day for our Garage Sale however it didn’t deter our customers. The winners of our raffle for the day were Lyn with red ticket 80, Barbara with green ticket 89 and Coralie with green ticket 71. Congratulations ladies. As is our custom, we pass on all unsold items to the Yamba United Church Op. Shop. Thanks Ed for picking up.
Our High Tea held in the Roundhouse at Palm Lake Resorts was a great morning. Thank you to Barbara and Geoff for the use of the delightful area. All our tea sets, teapots, milk jugs and sugar bowls, near forgotten, came out of our cupboards and the ladies set the tables with graciously pretty table cloths. All the catering was done by the members. The competition for the most interesting Tea Cosy was won by Lydia by popular vote. Lydia was presented with a lovely cup, saucer and plate donated by a resident of Palm Lake Resort. We also enjoyed a display of members and visitors superb bone china.
We were most fortunate to have our Red Cross Zone Councillors, Bev McMillan and Judy Jackson with us for the morning, travelling from Woolgoolga.
We are currently selling tickets for our Christmas Raffle which will be drawn at our December 7th meeting.
There will be no further fundraising functions this year; however our ladies, from late October will be selling the Red Cross Christmas merchandise from various venues. Please call Annette on 6646 1473 if you should like to view our catalogue.
A reminder, Blood Bank will be at the Yamba Bowling Club November 9-10, and 23-24. Please call 13 14 95 to register if you wish to donate blood.
Di Wood