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Yamba Men’s Pennants results

The Yamba Pennant teams achieved much better results last weekend with four of the club’s six grades securing wins and the remaining two suffering narrow losses. The Grade 3 side took full advantage of their home greens and conditions to secure a comprehensive 73-38 (ten to nil) win over the talented Grafton combination. Graham Meany’s team of Allan Parker, Steve Kliendienst and Bruce Angel scored a decisive 28-8 win, while Peter Forrester’s team and Brad Johnson’s combination also won well with the score board reading 22-16 and 23-14 respectively. The Grade 4 side was under considerable pressure to perform after last week’s disaster against Iluka. This team also had to face the wrath of the Grafton Club. The final result was a narrow 58-56 (nine to one) win to Yamba with Tom Morrow’s team of Greg Dickman, Chris Muldoon and John Luchetti setting up the victory with a critical 21-15 win over their Grafton opponents. Greg Johnson’s combination had to survive a late charge to win 21 – 20, while Wayne Curtis and his team lost a see-sawing contest 16 – 21. Grade 5 suffered another narrow loss and again it was Brad Wynne and his team that almost secured an unlikely win against the odds. This grade has a habit of starting poorly, before fighting back in the middle stages of the contest only to be overtaken in the final few ends of their challenge. A win should not be too far away if they can get motivated earlier in their matches and get bowls into the head to give their skips at least a reasonable chance. The Grade 6 (Gold) side proved that last week’s result against Maclean was just an apparition as they got their campaign back on track with a dominant 65-41 (ten to nil) victory over their talented South Grafton opponents. All teams managed to win their games with both Ron Moore and Roger Pryor winning by one shot (18-17 and 15-14 respectively), but it was the team of Paul Lozelle, Frank Pate, David Coupland and Richard Skippings that dominated the score board with a thorough 32-11 win. The Grade 6 (Blue) side began their contest against Wooli in search of their first victory and got into winning rhythm early to establish an ascendency that held throughout the entire contest winning 77-41 (ten to nil). Lance McCarthy’s team scored a well deserved 25-18 win; Alan Turnbull snared a 25-13 victory; and Roger Porra with his team of Russell Mazoudier, Bob Gunning and Bob McKibbin celebrated Roger’s return to Pennants after a five year hiatus with a 27-10 win. The Grade 7 side suffered a similar fate to their Grade 5 colleagues losing another narrow contest this time to Red Rock, 51-69 (one to nine). No Pennants will be played over the Easter weekend. The next round of competition is scheduled for Saturday 2nd of April with Grade 3 up against Maclean at Maclean, Grade 4 away to South Ex-Services, Grade 5 playing Grafton on the carpet, Grade 6 (Gold) at home against South Ex-Services, Grade 6 (Blue) venturing to South Grafton and Grade 7 also journeying to Grafton. The 2016 Senior Singles Championship will be concluded on Thursday evening with the final at 6pm. The final combatants have yet to be decided with the semi-finals between Bruce Blanch and Ivan Bell and the contest between Col Cohen and Allan Marr to be completed during the week. The nomination sheets for the 2016 Yamba Major Singles Championship and the CRDBA District Singles Championships (Open, Reserve and Senior) are on the notice board. Members are encouraged to participate in these feature events of the annual bowl’s calendar. Social bowls continues with pairs played on Wednesday; however there will be no bowls on Good Friday. All games commence at 1pm and names need to be on the respective nomination sheets by 11.30am on the day of play. Results from last week are: Wednesday 16th March: Winners: Brian Collis and Rod O’Brien. Runners-Up: Jim Groom and David Coupland. Consolation: Erik Pedder and Bruce Kilby Friday 18th March: Winners: Bob Mansfield, Neville Beck and Steve Burns. Runners-Up: Laurie Thompson, Bill Cox and Peter Forrester. Consolation: Max Snowden, Vern Gheller and Geoff Hurn. Don Freeman