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Yamba Lions leaders commence their terms
The Yamba Lions Club’s Change Over took place in June and our new Board has been inducted.
The following are the main Lions at the helm: President – PDG Deyann McDonnell; Secretary – Glenn Franklin and Treasurer – Ian Lauder. They are assisted by a very strong Board and the Club is always busy with the usual projects of Thursday’s raffles at the Golf Club, Friday’s raffles at the Bowling Club and monthly markets at Ford Park (held 4th Sunday of the month), plus any other projects when they come to hand.
An amount of $6,000 was recently donated to Marine Rescue, Wooloweyah Fire Brigade and Westpac Helicopter of $2,000 each.
There will be an information stand in the ‘pop up’ shop at Coles for a week in which there will be the “Prostrate Cancer Awareness” project plus “Lions Awareness Week” event both taking place in September.
The Club held a very successful Charity Bowls Day, raising approximately $1500 with thanks going to Lion Norm Greenup who coordinated the day.
One of our members, Lion Torsten Vestergaard, is attending Griffith University in Brisbane to study. Our Club sponsored him for an amount to help cover his accommodation.
The Club has had five new members join recently. We wish them all the best now that they are part of a very busy Lions Club.
Meetings are held 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at the Yamba Bowling Club, 7 for 7.30 start and guests speakers come along from time to time.
If anyone is interested in more information on Lions, please call Secretary Glenn 6646 3704.
Joy Lauder