Community News
Yamba Lions Club
Yamba Lions Club held a mixed meeting on May 12 as we had a guest speaker, Angela Clarke, who is the team leader of Libraries East working for Clarence Valley Council.
This was very interesting, as Angela spoke to us on all the various activities performed and held at all the libraries under her care. Apart from the normal membership of borrowing and returning books, they hold knitting groups, a book club, helping members of the public with ebooks among other things. Also, people can learn about Facebook and how to use it, and primary school children come for story time and this helps to introduce the young ones into using a Library during their school years and beyond.
The Lions Club is kept busy as usual with all the various activities it is involved every month. The Change Over of executive takes place June 18 for the year 2016/2017.
Meetings are held 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month at the Yamba Bowling Club commencing 7 for 7.30pm. Guests are always welcome. For further information, phone Secretary 6646 3060.
Joy Lauder