Community News
Yamba Lions Club
Yamba Lions Club had a very informative meeting when our guest speaker, Sandra Burns from Wires, addressed us with a power point presentation about the work carried out by Wires volunteers.
The name tells the story: Wildlife care, Information, Rescue, Education, Service. Wires is a non-for-profit network of volunteers who rescue, care for and release all Australian native fauna. There are 30 branches covering NSW and all costs are raised by the usual fund raising events. Unfortunately, there are no branches in Queensland or Victoria.
Many thanks to Sandra for taking the time to address our meeting, as we all learned so much from her visit.
We have had a member, Lyn, from Maclean Lions Club, transfer to our Club recently, and one new member, Terry, inducted at our last meeting. A visitor, Jacky, who attended last meeting, returned to check us out once again.
Our Club recently donated two pieces of equipment to young Sasha Berry totalling $18,000. This was made possible through a Compassionate Grant from Australian Lions Foundation.
In lieu of a meeting, there will be a ten pin bowling night held on Thursday July 12 at Bowlo Sports & Leisure Yamba commencing 6pm to eat and 7pm to play. Those who wish to take part in the ten pin bowling, please inform Lion Peter Bennett as he has pre-booked the 4 lanes on that night.
Lion Stella has asked all those who have raffle books for the Mothers’ day raffle, please have them returned to her prior to May 10 for drawing on May 11.
Meetings are held 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month at Bowlo Sports & Leisure Yamba commencing 7 for 7.30pm start. Visitors are always welcome, so if you have had a thought that you may like to work for the community with the Lions Club, please contact membership co-ordinator, Amanda on 6646 3056 for further information.
Joy Lauder