Community News
Yamba Lions Club
Yamba Lions Club held their change-over at Yamba Bowling Club Saturday June 18 with over 53 members, partners and guests in attendance.
Incoming President Lion Tom Kelso invited Lion Allen Lenton from Taree Lions Club to conduct the induction. Allen was Tom’s sponsor when he joined Taree Lions Club prior to retiring to Yamba. Lion Glenn Franklin is Club’s new Secretary and Lion Ian Lauder is again Treasurer. The new executive for Lower Clarence Carers’ Lions Club is: Jo Vestergaard President and Jody O’Brien Secretary/Treasurer.
Special guests were Rotary President Bill Venn, Cr. Sue Hughes and partner, Lions Deyann McDonnell, Laurie Fitzpatrick and wife Margaret from Maclean Lions Club, Tony Cowen from Taree Lions Club, Shirley Drum Seniors’ President, Zeke Huish from Westpac Helicopter and Richard Fox from Lower Clarence Community Radio.
Immediate Past President Lion Norm presented Zeke from Westpac Helicopter with a cheque for $5,000 and Shirley $600 for Seniors Club. Richard Fox also presented Norm with a donation of $100 from LC Community Radio.
Special awards were: Lion Stella Jackson presented with the Harry Hessian Award by PDG Lion Deyann McDonnell. Other awards presented by Lion Norm were: Lions Judy Mills the Ernie Muller award and Joy Lauder the Bulletin award. Several Lions received the President’s award and Club banners were given to Zeke and Allen.
Raffle winners were: Shirley Drum painting donated by Lion June Mascord, wine donated by Club and Shirley Drum won by Lenoie Saunders, Tom Kelso, Pat DeBomford and Tony Cowen.
Yamba Lions Club meet at Yamba Bowling Club 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month commencing 7 for 7.30pm and guests are always welcome. Phone Lion Glenn 6646 3704 for further information.
Joy Lauder