Community News
Yamba Evening VIEW Club
March 7 was our last dinner meeting and 30 members and 6 guests attended. It seems we are enticing some of our old members back, even if they are only visiting at this stage.
Two of our ladies have undergone surgery recently, so best wishes to Fay and Marlene; we wish you a speedy recovery. Our guest speaker for the night was John Ibbotson, who took us on a trip down memory lane in his endeavours to photograph every lighthouse in Australia. John is a published author and is working on his next book titled “Sea/Sand and Birds”, a light hearted coffee table conversation piece. He currently has an exhibition at the Yamba Museum in support of the “Light Up the Darkness Project”.
International Women’s Day was held on the 11th and what a successful day it was, full marks to the organisers. A total of 273 ladies enjoyed, early morning markets, very interesting and informative guest speakers, talented entertainers and a lovely luncheon. This is the major fund raiser for the four VIEW Clubs in our area, and allows them, through the Smith Family, to support their Learning for Life Students. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds given the opportunity, to develop and prosper through education.
April 14 is our social event for the month, so ladies think about coming along to the Yamba Marina, 10am, for coffee and to do what we do best, chat.
Marg Maher