Principal Ann Dawson and students from ST James Primary with some new students from Yamba Day VIEW Picture by Beth Spence
‘Back to School’ was the theme for our September luncheon meeting and 21 members attended with unfortunately quite a few unable to attend. We were also joined by guests, Wendy, Marjorie, Daisy and Roz. We look forward to seeing you again ladies.
With president Lyn absent vice president Pat carried the meeting with great aplomb. The decorations around the room and on the tables once again were great. Thanks Pat for keeping us on theme. A general meeting was held with a highlight being funds raised from the success of both our Soup Day and Movie Day. These funds of course help us greatly in our continuing sponsorship of our three ‘Learning for Life’ children. Well done ladies to all that participated, donated and cooked for these events.
We welcomed principal Ann Dawson and four students from St James Primary. Ann spoke about the vast difference in education and teaching from when we all attended school. From transport to and from and how the demographic of families have impacted changes on education. Now it is most uncommon to have a ‘stay at home mum’. With both parents working St James provides both before and after school care.
We were then delighted to see the confidence and enthusiasm that these students projected as they spoke about different projects they and the school participate in, an example being their garden beds. Students involved started with tech drawing then encouraged by teachers this was convert to computerised 3D drawings. A grant was then achieved to buy a 3D printer to make the models of the garden beds required. This was then passed to the Men’s Shed members who built the beds. From these they grow a wide range of produce that is either used in the canteen or purchased. The addition of a worm farm producing worm juice for sale gives added income for more seeds and seedlings. So ladies take a clean milk container to St James and for $2 you can purchase this rich organic fertilizer. These children seem well prepared for their next level of education and that is with the dedication and passion of teachers.
Our next meeting will be our 23rd Birthday held at The Yamba Bowing Club with a 10am start. Entertainment and fun will abound with an ‘island’ theme. Time to find those grass skirts again!
New members and guests always welcome. Bookings/apologies call Lyn on 6646 3164 the Friday prior.
Beth Spence