Community News
Yamba Day VIEW Ladies Polynesian Day
What a colourful and fabulous luncheon we shared this month. The mood was set in our room, music playing an array of Polynesian dancers adorning the walls. As we walk through we had a lei placed around us and grass skirts were definitely the ‘in thing’ this month.
A general meeting was held and we welcomed two guests as well as the return of President Lyn after her amazing trip to America. Our assistant secretary Desley stepped in for secretary Di. Des great great job and well done.
All current reports given and delegate Joy had some very interesting facts about other programs that are run within The Smith Family at schools. These include homework clubs, maths clubs etc. It was fascinating to learn that many of the Learning for Life children that we as VIEW club members sponsor, return and volunteer within these programmes to assist the children now. Lucky Door won by Marie Rheinberger, raffle prizes by guest Meryl Kilvington, Jan Ainslie and Pat De Bomford.
It was on to our chat and show segment. There was a display table with an assortment of items. Some Maori dolls, a Maori skirt and of course an assortment of kiwis. We chatted about the various cruises, we laughed and shared many memories of travel. Ladies we had a very busy luncheon and we are extremely well travelled. We not only covered Polynesia but China, New Guinea and the good old U S of A. We then shared a delightful meal on theme. Thank you to Craig and staff.
All members on the permanent list are assumed to be attending luncheons unless an apology is placed either the luncheon prior or phoned in. New members and guests always welcome. Bookings/apologies call Lyn on 6646 3164 the Friday prior.
Beth Spence