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Yamba Day VIEW Club

Yamba Day VIEW welcomes new members Wendy Smith, president Lyn, Marjorie Mullins (and in front), Marlene Wells. Image: Beth Spence
We were greeted by the lovely colours of autumn and winter this month amongst the new round tables and chairs. We welcomed a visitor to our club (as well as being a new resident to Yamba), Susie Morris. We enjoyed your company and hope to see you again soon Susie. A general meeting was held with all new business discussed. This included our donation to The Smith Family ‘Winter Appeal’. Delegate Joy also reported on some ‘Friday Facts’ which are often very interesting as it gives us real examples of the many varied programmes that The Smith Family does run and we may be unaware of. These range from mathematical, literacy to drama and early childhood educator workshops. The Learning for Life programme (in which we sponsor four primary aged children) is only one of the programmes that The Smith Family runs, from preschool aged children to adulthood. We are fortunate that this organisation does exist to fill in some gaps that are so badly needed. We discussed our annual Soup Day, which is fast approaching and Walk with VIEW, more to follow about this event later on. It was then with much pleasure president Lyn inducted three new members. A big Yamba Day VIEW welcome to Marlene Wells, Wendy Smith and Marjorie Mullins. Our guest speaker, Jim from Busways, was a delight to listen to. He gave some very interesting facts how Busways actually started during 1942 in Sydney. Since then this private company have expanded from Sydney up to and including our beautiful Yamba, now with a staggering 800 buses. All under the ever watchful eye of a central control located in Sydney. Jim filled us in on the ticketing and some interesting interconnecting services available to places like Lismore and Coffs Harbour. Thanks Jim. Lucky door prize was won by Margaret Harris and the raffle by Marie Rheinberger. Our best wishes go out to any of our members that are not feeling the best, especially to Audrey Robertson and Desley Snowden. Hope to see you all back soon ladies. Our next luncheon meeting will be held on Monday, July 17 at the Yamba Bowling Club. Guest speaker will be Wendy Plater from Landcare. New members and guest welcome. Bookings/apologies call Lyn on 6646 3164 the Friday prior. Beth Spence