Community News

Yamba Day VIEW Christmas function

December 14 at 10am, will be our Christmas luncheon, beginning with drinks, and what a year it has been. A whole-hearted thank you to those members who have assisted us throughout the year to continue with the friendship and caring that VIEW Clubs bring.

Names for Monday will now have to be in by Wednesday December 9, so please if you cannot come advise Lyn on 6646 3164. Our guest speaker will be much admired poet Noel Charles,

During last months luncheon our club was very pleased to present Pam Conley with her 10-year service badge, congratulations and many thanks for your support of our five sponsored children. Over the years Pam has been a committee member and for her contribution we are grateful.

To those members who are ill we wish you a happy, healthy and Merry Christmas. Covid-19 and many other factors have placed our club this year into reduced capacity, as memberships are now due, we call on all members to renew their membership for help to continue on with the good work.

A happy and safe holiday season, from the Committee.

Finally, a huge thank you to the Bowlo for their assistance and support throughout the year.

Lyn Hinrichsen