Community News

Yamba Day VIEW

International Women’s Day is sponsored by the four VIEW Clubs of the Clarence Valley. This includes Yamba Day & Night VIEW along with Maclean & Grafton VIEW Clubs. We will be celebrating the day at Yamba Bowling Club on Friday March 11 from 9am till 2pm. This year tables can be pre booked. What a great way to introduce potential new members to VIEW. Tables of 12 or individual seating can be reserved by phoning Joy lauder on 6646 1124 or email Bookings are essential & available now. This needs to be completed by February 26. Seating this year is to be paid for & booked in advance. For the sum of $25 you will receive a wonderful morning tea & light lunch, fantastic entertainment & fabulous company. Imagine the joy of having a winning ticket in one of our raffles or Tombola! So ladies, rally the girls & think about booking a table for IWD. This is such a great fun way to raise much needed funds for The Smith Family & especially the ‘Learning for life’ program which provides funds towards an education for sponsored children. We at Yamba Day VIEW are very pleased & proud of the progress of the three children we are able to sponsor. Back to general duties, our first luncheon meeting of the year will be held on Monday, February 15 at Yamba Bowling Club. This will be our AGM so all offices will be declared vacant & then filled. Ladies renewals will also be due then, $15 this year. YDV ladies we will need names, numbers & payment for IWD at this meeting to ensure you have a seat unless you have pre-arranged with Joy Lauder. New members & guests always welcome. Bookings/apologies call Lyn on 6646 3164 the Friday prior. Beth Spence