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Yamba Catholic Ladies Group
The Yamba Catholic Ladies Group AGM held at Ted Howe Hall on Monday July 25 was well attended. The new officers elected who are willing to offer their time and service to the community are as follows: President – Carol Turk; Vice President – Shirley Drum; Secretary – Genie Drummond; Asst Sec – Rose Kirby; Publicity Officer – Rose Kirby; Treasurer – Maria Parlevliet; Raffles Co-Ordinator – Lynn Creber; Hall Booking Officer – Marie Ricketts
The group welcomed new members Ruth Catherall, Flo Stephens, Cath Tarrant.
The Yamba Catholic Ladies meet on last Monday of every month in Ted Howe Hall at 2pm. The group always welcome more ladies in our community to join with us in a friendly get together.
The Group’s main annual fundraising activity is the Spring Garage Sale on Saturday, September 24 at St. James Catholic Church ground. We highly appreciate any donations you can contribute. We will advise closer to the date where to drop off your donations.
The next meeting will be on Monday, August 29.
Rose Kirby