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Yamba Bowling Club Euchre
The Yamba Bowling Club Euchre Tournament on Monday October 26, welcomed Iluka Euchre Club to a most enjoyable evening.
Wayne Lind from across the river in Iluka took out first place with a top score of 10 games. Second place was a tie between Noel Collie, Shirley Pilley and Joan Pullen, all on 9 games each. Shirley Pilley won the lone hand prize donated by Noel Collie. Monday’s October monthly winner was Shirley Pilley with 36 games.
A warm welcome back to Nancy Leja. Wishing Dot Evans, Yvonne Hughes and Glenda Davis speedy recoveries.
Thursday October 29, Flo Stephens and Avery Austin tied for first place with 10 games each. Jean White won the lone hand prize which was donated by Robyn Causley. Welcome back Flo Stephens from her trip to Sydney.
Euchre is played at the Yamba Bowling Club on Monday and Thursday evenings with play commencing at 7pm. Come along and enjoy the fun. Only $4 to play. All very welcome. The courtesy bus is available.
Joan Pullen