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Yamba Bowling Club Euchre
The Yamba Bowling Club Euchre Tournament on Monday August 17, saw a three way tie taking out first place.
They were Judy Butcher, Phyllis Eldridge and Shirley Pilley, with 9 games each. The lone hand prize, which was donated by Lyn Sorrensen, was won by Shirley Pilley.
Thursday August 20, Flo Stephens was the outright winner ahead of the pack, with 11 games. Four players came in second with 9 games each. They were Joan Green, Judy Butcher, Avery Austin and Graeme Routson. Beryl Firth won the lone hand prize which was donated by Avery Austin.
Euchre is played at the Yamba Bowling Club on Monday and Thursday evenings, with play commencing at 7pm. Come along, bring a friend..only $4 to play. All are very welcome. The courtesy bus is available.
Joan Pullen