I am writing to thank everyone who helped in whatever way during the recent floods.
This is my first experience of a major flood in the Clarence, and I was so impressed with the numerous huge pumps and those who filled sandbags / bought in truck loads of “dirt” to store up the levee wall along River Street in Maclean. And thank goodness it held. Maclean was so fortunate, but it was due to hundreds of helpers.
A magnificent effort and a big thank you!
I’m not going to name individuals or groups as you know who you are, and you can be proud of what you have achieved.
And then came willing helpers/donators of money or goods, goods, especially mops buckets, toiletries to support all those individuals, families, animals/both domestic and wild affected by the floods here in the Clarence and the Richmond Valley. And this is continuing.
Communities/ neighbours who help each other in times of need are the backbone of our society, an asset that can’t be bought!
I am proud to live in such a caring and thoughtful community and whatever the next event is we have the skills/ knowledge and fortitude to tackle it head on.
Barbara Linley,
Clarence Valley Citizen of the Year 2022