We hit our target!
I am so proud and excited to let your readers know that we have hit the target we set ourselves to raise $33,000 to replace the roof of the Yamba Museum.
Due to the proximity to the sea, over the years the roof of the building had become extensively corroded. During recent cyclonic storms, water entered the building placing the displays and objects at extreme risk. It was imperative that we safeguard the museum building against any further heavy rain and storm damage.
This unforeseen high cost of the roof replacement certainly overextended our finances. It was a daunting challenge, when we first began in July, to consider how we could raise the money. In addition to applying for funding from Museum and Galleries NSW and Arts NSW, the staff of the CV Independent helped us to successfully launch an appeal within the Yamba community.
The application to MGNSW was successful and we received $15,000. Donations from the community included: Yamba Bowling Club and Yamba Rotary $1,000, Graham Mackie’s Exhibition raffle $530, Elders Real Estate and Yamba Chamber of Commerce $250, Yamba Iluka Real Estate $200, Yamba Skin Clinic $100, Chris Gulaptis and Ros Woodward $50, Yamba Welding $25. Many of our members also donated generously.
I launched a personal challenge to ask 100 people for $10 before the end of 2016. The generous support I received from family and friends, many who live outside the Clarence Valley, David and the girls at 24/7 Health & Fitness, Yamba Tiles & Lights, A. Cummings & Co and members of the Museum helped me to exceed my goal.
We still had $10,000 to reach to our target, when Chris Gulaptis telephoned with the unbelievable news that our Arts NSW Regional Capital grant application was successful – exactly $10,000.
Now that we have the funds to pay for the new roof we do not want to lose momentum and will be continuing our fundraising in 2017. Our purpose is to ensure that we will be able to address any similar situation in the future.
On behalf of our members, I would like to express our sincerest thanks and gratitude to all that have donated, supported and participated in the Yamba Museum roof appeal.
Marea Buist
Port of Yamba Historical Society