Community News
United Hospital Auxiliary – Grafton Branch
The United Hospital Auxiliary Grafton Branch held their June monthly meeting on Monday 22.
Northern Area District Representative of U.H.A. Molly Strong along with her 2IC Jeanette Coulter visited the meeting to assist with the ratification of the new incoming committee members for 2015/2016.
Grafton Base Hospital Executive Officer Dan Madden spoke to the members. Dan reiterated about plans for the new Ambulatory Unit to be built in the hospital grounds in the future, he also confirmed the blood clinic used for donations of blood products is no longer accepting blood donations.
A new emergency specialist/doctor is about to commence work in the E.R. dept. Plus we also hope to have two new orthopaedic doctors commence work in the near future bringing to four the number of orthopaedic doctors employed at the Grafton Base Hospital.
United Hospital Auxiliary members are gearing up to begin our next fund raising activities soon, the auxiliary has been asked to supply a special piece of equipment. There is a big need for a point of care ultrasound, this machine carries a price tag of $59,365 and that price may rise as it is an old quote. It is a diagnostic tool and being reasonably portable can be used in emergency situations and also in operating theatres.
The new U.H.A. gift shop on the ground level of the hospital has been a wonderful success and a great place for people to pick a bargain. The shop is manned by volunteers of the U.H.A. Auxiliary. All goods have been donated by the public, an ongoing need for more products to be donated is a constant, without stock to sell we cannot get sales. A phone call to the gift shop to get the okay on unsure goods can be made by calling 6640 2233. The gift shop is open Monday to Friday during the hours of 10am to 3pm.
The Grafton Branch of the U.H.A. first commenced in 1899 and our group of hard working members are open to any suggestions on fund raising activities, if you have ideas we could take on board we would love to hear from you. Inquiries can be made by calling 6644 8329 or 6643 4777 concerning any questions you may have on joining our association or about the gift shop please call.
The next meeting of the U.H.A. will be held on Monday July 27 commencing at 12.noon for the monthly meeting and followed by the A.G.M. commencing at 1pm. The meetings are held in the Education Rooms at the rear of the hospital, following the meeting afternoon tea is provided. All welcome.
Elizabeth Holdway