The Grafton branch of the United Hospital Auxiliary held their annual Mother`s Day Morning Tea on Wednesday May 4.
A very good roll-up attended with over 100 present.
President Alba was back after being on the sick list for a couple of months with a bad back. It was good to have her back at the helm.
Thanks to the member`s for their cooking and sandwich making plus a special thanks to Beth Parker and Ann Herd for their leadership in the kitchen.
Grafton Mayor Ritchie Williamson spoke of the work Alba and her committee and members do for the local Grafton Base Hospital, thanking everyone for their input on the day. Ritchie also welcomed Shirley and John Adams O.A.M`s, welcoming them to our function.
Executive Officer of the Grafton Base Hospital Mr. Dan Madden advised those present of news regarding the stage the hospital is up to in regards to the Ambulatory Care Centre, the master planning process is not quite finalised but a preferred option on the site has been decided. The new Centre is hoped to contain a new ward accommodation block, expanded ED and a new ICU plus an extra theatre. With the new gaol to be built, this will place more demands on local health services.
First prize winner of the major raffle, a double bed quilt was won by Barbara Graham with second prize, a large basket of women`s beauty product`s was won by Diane Moran. Barbara was present at the morning tea and was in the company of the Grafton View Club.
Winner of the youngest mother present was Emma Greaves with the oldest mother present being Irene Crispin from The Whiddon Group (Livingstone House – Nursing Home). Congratulations to both ladies.
The U.H.A. would like to thank Benefield`s Rose Farm of Halfway Creek for their generous donation of the flowers for Mother`s Day. Our member Shirley Regan each year does a marvellous job in arranging the wonderful stage display at all of our gatherings.
Another thank you must be extender to the group “Old and Buggered” who gave their time to entertain
all the guests present. Thank you guy`s, your music is always much appreciated by both old and young present.
The next monthly meeting will be held on Monday May 23, again this also commences at 1pm in the Education Centre at the rear of the hospital.
If you would like to join the Hospital Auxiliary we would love to hear from you. More members are needed to assist in helping man our gift shop which is inside the hospital on the ground level. More information can be found by phoning 6644 8329 or 0490 031 190 or just come along to our next meeting, you will be made most welcome.
Elizabeth Holdway