
Maclean Scottish Town Committee president Bob MacPherson (left) and secretary, Warren Rackham, are happy that their ‘fingerboard’ tourist information signpost and thematic banner poles and artworks are finally installed. Linda ElMir painted the pictures. Images: Geoff Helisma

Two Islands Rowathon and Wooden Boat Show to set waves of enthusiasm

The Grafton Rowing Club is inviting Clarence Valley residents to a Wooden Boat Show to be hosted by the club between May 31 and June 2.

Entry is by a gold coin donation, and participants are also welcome to bring their own wooden boats along for the event, with several members of the Grafton Rowing Club also owning and racing wooden boats. 

Visitors will also have the opportunity to row in a replica Viking boat or try out a wooden ergometer during the afternoon.

There will also be workshops and presentations on the history, designing, building, maintaining, and repairing of wooden shells with presentations from past and present builders and oar makers.

Workshops will commence from 1:30pm.

The Grafton Rowing Club will also host their annual Two Islands Rowathon on June 2 in support of the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter.

Entrants have the option of completing a 10km course around Susan Island, or a 20km course around Susan Island and Elizabeth Island.

Both courses will finish back at the Grafton Rowing Club.

The event is open to all non-powered watercraft including rowers, dragon boat paddlers, kayakers, and surf boats.

Paddle board and kayak entrants are required to meet at the Grafton Rowing Club at 7:45am for a briefing prior to the event while rowers are required to meet at the Grafton Rowing Club for their briefing at 9:30am.

Spectators are more than welcome to find a relaxing spot along the Clarence River to watch proceedings, and they are also invited to make a donation towards the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter.