Community News


With the Coronavirus outbreak forcing all public gatherings to halt, and galleries and museums closing, we have witnessed the cancellation of all art fairs, festivals, gatherings, markets and community celebrations.

The Lismore Quadrangle is keen to explore the ways in which we can amplify our human capacity to creatively respond to adversity.

We’ve seen it already with Italians singing on balconies, the Australian Opera’s chorus singers performing in Sydney’s Waterloo, and an amazing suite of live streams of dance, music and writing coming from our artists.

For our regional artists here in the Northern Rivers, many of whom are facing unexpected income loss, The Quad & Lismore Regional Gallery are reaching out.

We are offering at-home creative residencies to makers, artists, musicians, designers, arts workers, techs, crafters and idea innovators that have been affected by the Coronavirus, across the digital screen and into the home of our Northern Rivers community.

This is a paid opportunity to develop a concept, new or in the works, to extend your artistic or creative practice from an isolated location. Projects can take place over a two-week period.

This response program: Together//Alone is not outcome specific, you can deliver concepts or a fully developed project, it certainly does not have to be fully formed or perfect.

The Together//Alone program seeks creative responses that counteract our lack of access to our shared creative community gathering places of The Quad and Lismore Regional Gallery, and sets a provocation for contributing artists:

‘How do we remain connected to community places from our homes?’

We ask that a component of the project be able to be shared digitally so that our community can connect and engage with the work; view it, sing along to it, dance to it, admire it, read it…be inspired by it, and feel a sense of connection with community.

Artists working in all mediums are invited to apply, including, but not limited to: writers, musicians or other performance artists, sound and or multimedia artists, video, installation or performance artists, ceramicists, craft or textile artists, comedy, dance workshops, animations, experimental music, conversation and panels, ezine’s, photography, podcasts and more.

A minimum of Five artists will be selected to participate in the Together//Alone Program.