President of the Maclean Museum Edith Dobbin said that over the years she has seen a lot of changes at the museum.
“Before the bicentenary (and the building of the bicentenary museum building) we used the stone cottage for many years as the museum; housing all our records in one (small) room,” Mrs Dobbin said.
“Now we’ve got an extensive library of research and information on the Maclean district, including family research on local families,” she said.
Mrs Dobbin said that their current projects include gaining better access for the disabled in the form of a lift, if it’s financially possible, as well as changing displays and adding information to the research areas.
“Looking into the future, we will strive to maintain and preserve our artefacts and information, to keep it safe for future generations,” Mrs Dobbin said.
“Although our membership is strong, not all of our members live in the area and we’d love to have more local members and volunteers who are able to help out at the museum.
“It’s a great opportunity for the community to come along to our 50th anniversary celebrations (on Saturday 19 October from 10am – 4pm) and check out the museum and see if it’s something that they may be interested in becoming involved in,” she said.