Ticking the boxes – Community consultation?
I read with some bewilderment that a “summit” had been held in Casino last week by AID (Australia Infrastructure Development) for the development of a mega port to accommodate massive ships in the Lower Clarence River.
Thought I’d Google here to see what is going on: www.aid-australia.com.au
This proposal would completely destroy the lower Clarence.
It would appear to be a box ticking exercise as part of a formal application process to government.
Ticking the “community consultation” box.
Community consultation indeed!
This company has completely failed to consult the right communities.
Surely the business people and residents of Iluka, Yamba, Maclean, Grafton and all the smaller villages and islands along the river should have been the target audiences?
One would think the companies “summit” might have been held in one of the fine clubs that are at Iluka, Yamba, or perhaps Maclean or Grafton, rather than Casino over 100kms away.
And hey, not even the right river! Casino is on the Richmond River. Go figure.
Perhaps AID just had some bad advice about matching the right town/s to the right river.
Or is this just being a tad sneaky? Trying to keep us all in the dark until the paperwork has been lodged.
Or worse still, trying to bluff us and the government that AID conducted extensive “community consultation”.
Either way, there will be huge opposition to this MEGA PORT proposal if it is ever considered.
Tony Belton, Iluka