The October Clarence Valley Country Muster was a great success.
Run for the third time, there were in excess of 500 caravan owners, some travelling hundreds of miles. The Muster is a credit to organiser Wendy Gordon who has now started to plan next year’s event, at which Adam Harvey will be the big attraction.
A highlight of this year’s Muster was an art exhibition titled “100 Years of Anzac”. It featured many different pieces and to celebrate the exhibition, a re-enactment included Light Horse men who marched also at the opening parade.
Many studies of the Flanders Poppies were painted by our now local artist from Ulmarra Peter J Hill.
In all over 20 Anzac paintings were on display with many purchased by locals from around Grafton, Yamba and from interstate.
The auction went very well and the auctioneer was “Voice of the Outback”, personality Neale Stuart who did a great job getting all the audience into the swing of things.
There are still some of the collection available and on display with his other work at P. J. Art Gallery in Ulmarra.
Judy Hill