
The Wall Ratz, all smiles after winning again this week… bunch of Happy Gilmores. Image: contributed

The Wall Ratz hang on to Iluka Happy Gilmore fun golf lead

The Happy Gilmore Fun Team Ambrose 9 hole event continues to attract newcomers to the short game golf.

With the fires causing a virtual shutdown in Iluka with the road closures, a few teams could not travel to attend. However five teams were able to front up and enjoy some light hearted golf.

Winners again this week were the ‘Wall Ratz’, with a great nett 24.3. The Wall Ratz have gelled together as a team with a great combination of big hitting off the tee and some great putting from their designated putter, who they are keeping under wraps, lest he is poached by other teams with a better offer.  They claim that LUCK played no part, it was all SKILL and they play the short course well. Well done lads, and great to see you all so very humble.

A highlight during the presentations came when the hapless ‘Allstars’ were asked about their Eagle on the 3rd hole. The lucky drive must have bounced off a sprinkler head to get onto the green where designated putter, Barry Dunne, sank at least a 60 footer, winding its way into the hole for an Eagle.

However the ‘Allstars’ came last again even with their Eagle, with a very poor nett score 29.12. They were seen to be looking about to try and poach a few good players to bolster the team. Maybe some divine intervention from Golf Pro, Mark Adey, is in order.

Team ‘Fish & Chips’ fronted with a great pedigree of golfers, former greenkeeper and Iluka Golf Club Life Member, Gordon Farrell, teamed up with former Club champion, Pagey, Carlos and young Matt, to form a formidable combination and were runners up with a good nett 24.5. Watch out for these guys when they combine well will be unbeatable. A good first up run.

Team ‘Winx Winners’, did not do their name any justice at all with a nett score of 28.9. Team Winx Winners might have to get a few runs under their belt before they will challenge the leaderboard.

The ‘Wrecking Balls’ with a nett score of 26.5 certainly missed the handicap handout without the missing Nipperess girls. It’s the girls with the nice high handicaps who influence the event the most.

Club Pro, Mark Adey, again provided a lively fun presentation and all players stayed back for the frivolous fun. A bit of light hearted golf is a lot less stress than purist golf and more relaxing.

Everyone is welcome and even if you cannot form a team, come along on Thursdays at 5pm for a shotgun start, and we will slot you into a friendly bunch and enjoy some fun on the course.