General News

Strata owners urged to do their homework first to avoid solar installation problems

Apartment, unit, and townhouse owners are being urged to do their homework first and not rush into solar power installation following a decision by the New South Wales Government to make solar power more readily available in strata title property.

The State’s peak strata sector body, Strata Community Association (NSW), supports the Government move but warns that owners corporations could be in trouble in they rush in too early.

“Like any industry, we are aware that there are a small number of solar installers who have left a trail of bad experiences in their wake in NSW. There is also the issue of cheap overseas made solar product that does not live up to the quality that is required in Australia.  We want owners corporations to do their homework first and to work with strata managers to find the right supplier,” SCA NSW President, Chris Duggan, said today.

NSW Better Regulation Minister, Kevin Anderson, has announced changes to strata legislation that now provide for 50% or more of owners to approve solar installation.

“We believe this decision will be well received because of the strong movement to green, sustainable energy,” Mr Duggan said.

“Solar does save power costs over time if properly installed and properly used and maintained.

“SCA will be keeping a close eye on this issue over the next 12 months and we will be on the lookout for any reports of installers and suppliers who approach owners corporations and do not provide a professional service.

“We have a very good relationship with the NSW Office of Fair Trading and if we find someone doing the wrong thing, we will ask Fair Trading for assistance. 

“My clear advice to owners corporations is to do your homework first and do not rush in and to seek advice from your strata manager.”


About Strata Community Association

Strata Community Association (NSW) is the peak industry body for Strata and Community Title Management in New South Wales. Membership includes strata managers, support staff, committee members and suppliers of products and services to the industry. SCA (NSW) has in excess of 3,000 members who help oversee, advise or manage a combined property portfolio with an estimated replacement value of over $400 Billion. SCA (NSW) proudly fulfils the dual roles of a professional institute and consumer advocate.
