
ABOVE: Finally it’s victory for the South Grafton women.

Sth Grafton ladies topple the men

ABOVE: Finally it’s victory for the South Grafton women.
ABOVE: Finally it’s victory for the South Grafton women.
  Wednesday 27th May: Men’s social bowls afternoon. Five rinks in use, four games of triples and one of pairs. Winter finally made an appearance with a strong wind and a real bite to the air. Results from the five matches were as follows: Rink (1). B Kenny, J Flaherty & L Flaherty d D James, J Gaddy & G Mallison 18-16; Rink (2). M Revell, S Weber & B Kowal d M Andrews, C Rogers & L Bond 19-14; Rink (3). W Powell, T Newsome & M Myers d T Latter, J Davis & L Andrew 23-18; Rink (4). P Gillespie, J Pye & K Fitzsimmons d J Bessant, N Wilson & M Ransome 23-19; Rink (5). P Linacre & L Preston d L Perrett & M Vanzino 33-16. Winning Rink (1). B Kenny, J Flaherty, L Flaherty. Lucky team – P Linacre, L Preston. The resting toucher went to Lee Bond and the jackpot was not won. Friday Men’s mixed barefoot bowls afternoon: Three rinks of social bowls today, once again in cold and very windy conditions. All triples matches, one with a swinging lead; played alongside another round of Mixed Championship Pairs. Rink (6). Mixed Championship Pairs: A Bunn & M Ransome d B Essex & J Pye 23-20. Social bowls: Rink (1). R Pendergast, L Perrett & L Bond d C Roger, S Ford & D Andrews 26-18; Rink (2). S Scott (Swinging Lead), M Bettison & J Mitchell d S Scott (SL), K Fitzsimmons & D O’Brien 13-11; Rink (3). B Kenny, J Flaherty & D Fitzsimmons d J Mitchell, A O’Brien & L Andrew 19-18 Winning Rink (2). S Scott, M Bettison, J Mitchell. Chook End 8: A Bunn, who also took out the resting toucher. The Jackpot was not won. Sunday special day The Battle of the Sexes Hooray, the ladies have finally done it beating the men for the first time, albeit by the barest of margins. Final score: Ladies 101 / Men 100 after 111 ends contested by four games of triples and two games of pairs. Winning ladies team: L Evans, B Ford & M Andrew. Winning men’s team : R Holmes, W Powell & L Andrew. A good fun day that included lunch, plenty of good natured banter in what turned out after yesterday’s weather to be perfect bowling conditions. Best dressed lady went to Lynn Evans in her Mrs Bucket from “Keeping up Appearances “ costume; while John Betts took it out for the men in his swashbuckling pirate attire. Thanks to all who joined in. Always a good fun day at the Club. Next Sunday sees the return to Sunday morning mixed social bowlo. D McLachlan