Community News
Splash into water week
Each year Australia celebrates National Water Week to help inspire people, communities and organisations to become aware of our most precious commodity; water.
National Water Week aims to educate Australians to use water wisely in an effort to protect this vital source for the future.
This year’s theme for National Water Week is Innovation.
National Water Week encourages us to think of innovative ways in which we can save, re-cycle or better manage our water while at the same time celebrate our achievements and innovations, which contribute to make this country more sustainable for future generations.
Let’s face it, water is something that we all need and use every day.
Did you know that one Australian innovator developed the duel flush toilet?
This clever innovation saves in excess of 32,000 litres of water per household per year.
Here in Australia we have a growing population and we need to plan for the future.
With our ever changing climate in Australia we need to gather water in our wet seasons so that we have enough to last throughout the dry.
We all need to think of ways to better manage our water to ensure a sustainable future.