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Saturdays Multiplier
One hundred and fifty three golfers enjoyed the beautiful sunshine all fighting for the 4 ball multiplier with the single in conjunction, the winners of the fourball were David Bruton and Steve Hodgson with a great 89pts, runners up were Michael Shirlow and Peter Blom with 84pts.
In the singles competition Dave Bruton also thrived returning a great 43pts, 2nd went to Alex Podbereski 40pts and 3rd was Graham Kulmar with 39pts on a c/b.
A Reserve winner and score of the day was Garry Downes 44pts, 2nd went to Michael Shirlow 41pts on a c/b from Max Sweetman 41pts.
B Grade went to John Ralph 40pts on a c/b from Gabba Bodycote 40pts and 3rd was pip Dixon with 39pts on a c/b.
C Grade winner was John Dwyer with 40pts from Dennis Walpole 2nd with 39pts and 3rd went to Terry Bull 38pts.
Nearest to the Pins were; Robin Coffey on the SeaFire 3rd 173cm, the 9th Peter Campbell Physio hole was Ken Bodycote 337cm, the 10th SeaFire hole was Max Sweetman at 208cm, the SeaFire 12th was Graham Kulmar 125cm, the 17th Bene Scene hole went to Vaughan Hitchings at 158cm and the 2nd shot 17th was Tommy McIntosh at 284cm.
Balls for the day went to 37 with 16 on the back.
Don’t forget next week’s trip to Sawtell for the battle of the Horne, bus leaves from the club at 8.30am.