Community News
Saint Joseph’s Primary Maclean – News Term 2 Week 1
Parent Interviews
Kindergarten interviews have been completed and Year 1-6 will be held throughout weeks 2 and 3 in Term 2.
Polding Swimming
A special congratulations to Riley Dawes who competed in the Polding Swimming Trials in Sydney last week. Riley finished 5th in his heat & this excellent achievement in itself, with Riley not only representing our Diocese but competing against students from as far as North Sydney to the Queensland border. Well done Riley.
ANZAC Day March
On Monday 25th April students from Saint Joseph’s Primary Maclean participated in the ANZAC Day March through the main street of Maclean. This was a very important time acknowledging those who have defended our country. Thank you to students and their families for such a great turnout.
Mothers Day Liturgy—SAVE THE DATE
To all mothers, Nans & female family members please put Friday 6th May in your diaries. As the school will be holding a Mother’s Day Liturgy at 12 pm followed by cup of tea to both celebrate and show our appreciation of the amazing mothers that exist in our school community.
The Art & Science on Teaching
Throughout the last year and a half all teachers have been looking at the work of 2 prominent educational au-thors, Robert Marzano & Dr Dylan Wiliam. Marzano’s work “The Art and Science of Teaching” looks at how to be an effective teacher, engage all students in learning and get high academic results.
Dylan Wiliam addresses how to teachers can use assessment to see what students know before the end of a teaching cycle and use this information to guide the learning so that children have a good under-standing of the content.
All staff will have the opportunity to attend a 2 day work-shop facilitated by Dr Dylan Wiliam early in Term 2. Both these authors highlight the need for students to be clear about what it is they are learn-ing – our I can statements and Learn-ing Intentions. This ongoing profes-sional development helps teachers support Students with Bright Futures!
School Cross Country
On the last Friday of Term 1 the school held its Cross Country under beautiful blue skies. Blessed with fine weather, all students should be commended for the effort and endurance they put into their races on the day. Please find below our age/event place get-ters on the day. A special mention to Bundjalung who took out the carnival (2 in a row for 2016) on a combined total of 76 points.
Kindergarten Stage 1 8 year olds 9 year olds
1st Tasmyn Norris 1st Mahala Hitchings 1st Eve McCarthy 1st Navah Crofton
2nd Olivia Porter 2nd Annabelle Hourigan 2nd Ruby Nicholas 2nd Sarah O’Hearn
3rd Sophia Moloney 3rd Savanna Radford 3rd Rebecca O’Hearn 3rd Sarah Johnson
1st Finn Brossman 1st Kai Brossman 1st Orlando Hickling 1st Jimmy Hammond
2nd Jack Whiting 2nd Reuben Lewis 2nd Peter Hammond 2nd Trent Seirakowski
3rd Dane Campbell 3rd Taj Angleo 3rd Noah Moloney 3rd Jordan Adamson
10 year olds 11 year olds 12 year olds
1st Maddi Norris 1st Taya Norris 1st Holly Sangster
2nd Anna McCarthy 2nd Molly Tierney 2nd Celina Gooley
3rd Isabella Sheehan 3rd Grace Vestergaard
1st AJ Hickling 1st Ryley McLaren 1st Josh Johnson
2nd William Elms 2nd Luke Goodman 2nd Thomas Gallagher
3rd Nash Crofton 3rd Jack Smajstr 3rd Troy McFarlane & Jack Bailey
Clarence Zone Cross Country
Congratulations to the 26 students who were selected to represent our school at this week’s Zone Cross Country Carnival. All students were great representatives of our school on the day. The Sawtell course was indeed challenging and the students faced some very competitive fields. A special mention to Maddi Norris (3rd), Holly Sangster (5th) & AJ Hickling (6th) who were selected to compete in the upcoming Diocesan Cross Country to be held early in Term 2.