Community News
Saint Joseph’s Primary Maclean
Celebrating Saint Joseph’s Day
As part of celebrating our Patron Saint – Joseph, our school celebrated St Joseph’s Day on Friday 18th March. All were warmly invited to help us celebrate this day as a school community which was held at Broom’s Head beach & Caravan Park. During this day, students took part in a Liturgy by the beach, a beach walk & organised class activities. This was a day of reflection and relationship building amongst all students & staff and a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our community.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
On Thursday 17th March, children in Year 3 participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. This was a wonderful opportunity for children to experience God’s forgiveness in a very real way. Students also be took part in a retreat afternoon with Mrs Sharon Warren in preparation for the Sacrament. Congratulations Karla Lewis, Amelia Adamson, Kupah Angelo, Jordan Adamson, Montanna Campbell, Chase Corcoran, Navah Crofton, Abby Dickson and Rebecca O’Hearn.
Award Winners for Week 7
Congratulations to the following students who received awards at last week’s Assembly.
Principal’s Awards: Kaylee Adamson, Ryley McLaren Jimmy Hammond & Makayla Elms
Kindergarten: Emma Sienz, Sophia Moloney, Makayla Elms & Dane Campbell
Stage 1: Annabelle Hourigan, Olivia Sienz, Rebecca O’Hearn & Ella Boon Stage 2: Sarah O’Hearn, Sarah Johnson & Trent Seirakowski
Stage 3: Celina Gooley, Thomas Gallagher, Kaylee Adamson Riley Dawes, Ryley McLaren & Grace Vestergaard
Sports News
Congratulations to Riley Dawes on his excellent result in swimming. Riley will now go on to compete at a Polding level in Sydney this year at Sydney Olympic Park. We wish him every success at this high level of competition and are very proud of his efforts in getting so far in the pool already.
Cross Country
Cross Country will be held on Friday 1st April. As our school Cross Country Carnival approaches, it is time for everyone to dust off their joggers and start getting ready for the big race! We will be practicing during the day at school but it would also be useful to do some extra running of an afternoon or weekend if possible. Parents, it could be an opportunity to make good on that New Year’s Resolution to start jogging!