Last week I walked into the senior school staff room and was excited and blessed to see more evidence of some of the amazing learning that is happening in our school. Our Stage 4 students are constructing either a model or a poster about aspects of the ancient world. One of our students has built a replica model of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, it even includes a working and revolving light. I hope that you are also getting to hear from your children about what they have been doing.
During last week we have had the Board of Studies visit to review our Stage 6 curriculum as part of the continued registration of the school. I was very pleased to receive positive feedback about the ongoing strength of our learning environment and culture. I am thankful for constructive process that this creates for us as we work at providing the best learning opportunities for all of our students.
There are a number of important events occurring this week. On Wednesday we are holding an open day at the school between 9:00am and 3:00pm. This is a great opportunity for interested families to come and have a tour of the school while classes are in full swing. Finally, on Thursday the 31st of March, Week 10 we will be holding our school Cross Country Carnival.
As we approach Easter this year I hope that each of our families may have a time of rest in which the truth of Jesus will be richly present. There is also exciting information in our newsletter about events that are happening for our whole school community in Week 11. Please also remember to check the calendar bar and the assessment table in the newsletter to stay abreast of activities and timelines in the school. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please do not hesitate to contact the office.