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Recognising our local sporting champions

cvi   On Tuesday, April 12, Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan presented a record number of Young Sporting Championship Awards to some of the Clarence Valley’s most promising sporting stars of the future at a special morning tea held in their honour. “Those who are receiving awards have excelled themselves representing the Clarence Valley on the international, national and state stage,” Mr Hogan said. The Local Sporting Champions program provides financial assistance to young people aged between 12 and 18 years to compete, coach or umpire in their chosen sport. “Page has produced some outstanding sportspeople in the past, and it is important that we support the next crop of our local sporting talent,” Mr Hogan said. “Unfortunately succeeding in sport doesn’t just take talent and determination – parents also often have to put their hands in their pockets to get their children to competitions. I’m very pleased to be able to help these families with financial support through these grants.” “Sport is important in the development of young people: it teaches them life-long skills like teamwork, keeps them fit and healthy, and allows them to excel in something they love and enjoy.” “I encourage any budding champions out there who have the opportunity of competing at a state, national or international event to apply for a grant by contacting my office or checking out the website” In no order, our latest crop of Clarence Valley Sporting Champions are: • Samuel Young, 17, who competed in the South African Hockey Test Series • Hugh Cameron, who represented Australia at the Rewa Cup (Fiji Tour) • Elliott Speed, 15, who competed in the Under 13’s Indoor Hockey Championships • Alex Dahl, 15, who competed in the State Age Netball Championships • James Bertalli, 17, who competed in the 94th Australian Athletics Championship. • Cody Ensby, 16, who competed in Abcra (Campdraft) • Stephani Hutton, 16, who competed in the NSW Rowing State Championship • Jorden Elabbasi, 14, who competed in the NSW Surf Lifesaving For more information about the program, go to