Community News

Caption: Clarence Valley Council general manager, Ashley Lindsay, congratulates Francine Nash for taking out the Win Your Rates promotion for 2019/20. Image: contributed

Rates competition winner helps cut paper wastage

Junction Hill residents Lindsay and Francine Nash will have a little more to spend on themselves this year after winning the Clarence Valley Council’s Win Your Rates promotion for 2019/20.

Under the competition guidelines, people who had registered to get their rates notices electronically automatically went into a draw to win up to $2000 off their general rate for 2019/20.

Francine Nash said she signed up for eNotices in order to cut down on paper use and wastage, but was nonetheless pretty pleased with her win.

“In all areas of my life I am trying to cut down on paper, but this is a real bonus,” she said.

“I read about the competition in the council newsletter, but the real motivation was to reduce paper use.

“I would encourage others to do it as well. The registration process was easy.”

Council general manager, Ashley Lindsay, said postage of council rates and water notices was expensive and the more people who signed up for eNotices the more money would be available for other programs and facilities the community wanted.

“It is also convenient and better for the environment,” he said.

To get your water and rates notices electronically, visit