Community News
Probus Club of Maclean
Probus has recently celebrated 40 years since the first Club was formed in Australia, for active retirees.
The Probus Club of Maclean has enjoyed friendship, fellowship and fun for the last 30 years. All members are encouraged to introduce potential new members to the Club to ensure that we continue to function. Meetings are held each month except January, in the Services Club, Maclean with interesting guest speakers arranged.
At the recent AGM the following were elected, President – Barry Smith, Vice President – Diana Gairns, Secretary – Ian Imrie, Treasurer – John Moore, Past President – Lynne Dickens. With the above, seven other members form the Management Committee. There will be a brief meeting of this Committee after the next meeting.
We always welcome input from all our members on possible trips, activities and any other suggestions to ensure ‘friendship, fellowship and fun’ for all our members.
Our next meeting will be at 10am on Tuesday April 12 at the Maclean Services Club. Visitors and interested persons would be most welcome. Please ring 6645 2737 for more information.
Barry Smith